ONE MAN'S VIEW: Love slipping through our fingers like eels

You have known a thousand relationship tittles in the bookshelves by their names and perhaps you have devoured volumes of magazines with no success. You are left wondering how come women slip through your fingers like eels.

Indeed, you have a wonderful career, live relatively well and you have the benefit of an education.

Your own friends with lesser qualities have been successful with women to your chagrin. What could be wrong with you? You love, lose them and actually don’t learn. Here are a few things men do wrong.

You could be a workaholic. You work yourself to death and have no time for the woman you love.

Choosing between the woman and work could be tricky in that you could lose both work and the woman if you make the wrong calculations. Allocate time for her.

Women, not matter their status appreciate attention and you must do just that. Remember that just like booze and gambling, work is what you throw yourself into when, deep down you’re more important to yourself than her.

You are heads over heels in love with a woman.

You are there for her whenever she needs a bulb replaced or any other manly chore. You are ready to change your name to Mat so that she mop her feet on you.

A peck on the lips will become a peck on the neck – period! The truth of the matter is that fawning and ingratiating will leave you as a good friend and you will go no further than that. In love, never forget the rule of supply and demand. The more available something is the less they want it.

Women will always wait for you to set the ball rolling. If you don’t, you lose. I remember a certain girl during my primary school years. She was cute intelligent and genuinely good at heart. We finished school, I did not tell her feelings.

We went to different high schools – I stayed mum. We went to college, I said nothing.

We started working in the same proximity. I said nothing. On her part, it was evident she wanted me. It hurt deep when we met in the street many years later with her husband and a kid. I was stupid!