Celebrating a great mother

Mothers are great people. This week we bring you a story of a mother from Lushoto who is going against all the odds to ensure her child who has special needs gets education. The child who is 12-years-old cannot walk or talk but the mother carries him to school every morning, waits at school to clean him in case he gets soiled, then leaves with him in the late afternoon.

Her inlaws abandoned her but this did not deter her from ensuring her child gets the best. She has to endure all the stigma from people who do not understand the condition of the boy thinking it is a curse. Other family members told her to hide the child indoors but her determination to ensure she gives her children the best has kept her going. For this woman, educating her son is her number one priority and nothing is going to stop her.

She does menial jobs on people’s farms to ensure she gets money to hire a bodaboda to carry her and the son who has since grown heavy and she can no longer carry him on her back. However, the boy cannot sit on the bodaboda without support, so she has to sit and hold him to and from school everyday. Today we celebrate this great woman.