TALKING MEDICINE : This could be why you have back pain

What you need to know:

  • Most back pain occurs suddenly and usually lasts for a few days; the pain may go away on its own. It is termed as chronic if it lasts for more than three months.
  • This pain can be caused by any problem associated with the body structure which make up your back, such as the bones, muscles, nerves and joints.

Back pain is one of the most common medical complaints I receive from patients. It affects 8 out of 10 people at some point during their lives.

Most back pain occurs suddenly and usually lasts for a few days; the pain may go away on its own. It is termed as chronic if it lasts for more than three months.

This pain can be caused by any problem associated with the body structure which make up your back, such as the bones, muscles, nerves and joints.

Most cases of back pain aren’t caused by serious damage or disease but by minor sprains, strains or injuries, even a pinched or irritated nerve.

These types of back pain can be triggered by everyday activities at home or work. Back pain can develop gradually over time as result of bending awkwardly or for long periods, lifting, carrying, pushing or pulling heavy objects and slouching in chairs.

Moreover it might be a result of overstretching, driving or being in sitting position for long periods without taking a break or overusing the muscles – for example, during sport or repetitive movements (repetitive strain injury).

You might also have back pain as a result of spine problems for instance, when you have ailment affecting your vertebral disc, the soft tissue found between vertebral bones play role as shock absorber. This disc can be herniated or slipped, bulge or degenerate and you will experience back pain. Other medical condition affecting joints may also lead to back pain.

Furthermore, there are cancers which may either originate or spread from somewhere else in your body and affect your back bone and cause severe back pain.

These factors might put you at greater risk of developing back pain:

• Your age: As you get older back pain is more common especially from age 40.

• Lack of exercise: This will lead to weak, unused muscles in your back might lead to back pain.

• Excess weight lifting and improper lifting of heavy object. You should know carrying too much weight puts extra stress on your back.

• Diseases like some types of arthritis and cancer can contribute to back pain.

• Psychological conditions such as depression and anxiety appear to have a greater risk of back pain.

• Smoking. This can keep your body from delivering enough nutrients to the disks in your back.

• Pregnancy.

• Being overweight.

The author is a Tanzanian Medical Doctor now based in Alexandria, Egypt.