CORPORATE SUFI: Empower your people to raise productivity

What you need to know:

By creating an enabling and empowering environment for your employees, you increase their productivity and your profitability. Leadership entails knowing your strength and discerning your people’s strengths.

Create a giving culture that encompasses the power of giving to your customers, colleagues; all of your company’s stakeholders.

By creating an enabling and empowering environment for your employees, you increase their productivity and your profitability. Leadership entails knowing your strength and discerning your people’s strengths. We all have certain unique talents that need to be enhanced.

Encourage authenticity by being a great example. People who really connect with others and make a significant difference are the ones who are authentic - natural, poised, spontaneous! They are comfortable in their own skin and are not worried about their limitations. They come from a position of abundance and strength; a place of love, not fear. They are aware of the possibilities achievable through their potential.

Involve your people in the creation of your vision and mission. At the very least share it often. A company’s mission drives motivation and establishes focus for employees. It tells customers that the organization exists for a purpose; one that is ethical and meaningful. A vision creates a destination and a mission creates the reason for its existence. Both can be aligned to your greater purpose in life!

Aiming big is the starting point. When “a man to the moon and back before the end of the decade” was conceived, the US had no clue of how to actually accomplish the goal; yet they achieved this big goal. Big goals set the wheels in motion, begetting energy and synchronicity.

Success begins with your self-concept, what you think you are made of. Positive feelings and imagination launch the winning attitude cycle. What you believe, is what becomes reality. When you send positive vibrations to others you receive positive vibrations what you can imagine vividly and invite with feelings, you attract in your life.

Persistence is the dogged determination to go the distance to achieve one’s goals. It implies an expectation that there will be many hurdles and obstacles along the way, but these hurdles and obstacles will only increase your resolve, not decrease it. A Chinese bamboo tree is grown after the earth is prepared. Almost all of its growth is underground during the first four years, but grows eighty feet in the fifth year.

Strive for enlightened persistence. Enlightenment is a strong word—it implies the goal you are chasing is larger than yourself and will make a difference. Differentiate between what is worth persisting in and what is wiser to desist. Enlightened persistence forces you to revisit your goals and ensure they are built on balance.

Imagine you are climbing a very tall tree to pluck some fruit. However, eventually, when you get to the top, you find out that you do not like the fruit because you were climbing the wrong tree. Many people chase goals for many years and eventually get there only to wonder why they were chasing these goals in the first place. If you are persisting just for fame, you may end up climbing the wrong tree and not enjoying the fruits you get.

Create freshness and enthusiasm regularly by encouraging creativity, innovation and trust building. Without trust, all your efforts will be in vain because you have not built credibility.