Setting goals that you care about

Julius Landu Bulili

What you need to know:

Do you sometimes watch football match? Players, like Cristian Ronado etc, do the entire ball dribbling on the pitch but eventually they have aligned goal to target, right? This is exactly same in our normal life and in business life.

Have you ever asked yourself this brilliant question: “How can I make achieving my professional growth goals effortless?” ….and what was your answer….? My brilliantly-elegantly simple answer was — by focusing on alignment goals. Do you sometimes watch football match? Players, like Cristian Ronado etc, do the entire ball dribbling on the pitch but eventually they have aligned goal to target, right? This is exactly same in our normal life and in business life.

Many people fail on their life and business development goals for the year because they take on a lot of goals — goals that they feel they “should” do but ultimately don’t energize them. For example, maybe they tell themselves that they need to read a pile of books in order to learn more, keep up with their colleagues, or just stay up-to-date with their industry. But if sitting down to read feels more like a chore, it’s unlikely they’ll make any progress — and they may feel badly for not achieving their goal when the year comes to a close. While the goal itself felt like it was something that fit the needs of their proficient role, it didn’t match the individual’s preferences or ambitions.

If you want to succeed with your professional growth goals, choose one or two key areas of focus that align with what really matters to you.

You need to know your right direction through which you will feel a lasting surge of energy behind the idea. That is when you will feel it like a “must” and not like a “should”. With this passion and excitement to move ahead you will be amplified to even cut back other areas of your endeavors to make room for this to happen.

This congruence between internal desires and external goal would definitely make you moving ahead relatively effortless. In setting your goals to achieve you need to know your destiny and timeline; you need to be excited about the process and outcome; your motivation to pursue this goal must be intrinsic, something coming from within and not extrinsic, something to please other people.

Keep the number of goals you choose as narrow as possible, so you can give them your full attention. Selecting what you want to work on, though, can often feel easier than actually moving toward those goals, especially when you’re faced with other work commitments. In order to reach these objectives, you need to ensure you’ve aligned your time with them as well. I guarantee you… at first, you will feel uncomfortable and worried to get everything done. But make it a lifestyle and you will realize that it is not only possible, but amazing!! This will factually eliminate common limiting belief that when working on big projects you need to work longer hours.

Once you decide on your goals for the year, I encourage you once again to aligning your time with your goals to make the results effortless. It may take some time for your colleagues to adjust to the fact that you are not always available. But typically, you can make a consistent investment to your own growth and to your business at large.

To do so, decide on which days and times you can commit to moving ahead on your goal. You may have the opportunity to do something like blocking out an entire day to fulfill your goals process, or you may need to set aside smaller chunks of time and move ahead on your goal. Try one strategy and see how it works. If it seems to suit you and your colleagues, stick with it. If not, adjust the days or times until you get something that fits.