CANDID TALK : Father’s anger after a loafer elopes with only daughter

What you need to know:

  • You see, our daughters, when it comes to matters of “love” (call it lust), can opt to do the unimaginable – like running away with a daladala conductor or bodaboda taxi driver.

Something that threatens the existence of every man is when mischief catches up with his only daughter and she elopes with that young man you think should have been hanged at a public place.

You see, our daughters, when it comes to matters of “love” (call it lust), can opt to do the unimaginable – like running away with a daladala conductor or bodaboda taxi driver.

That is what happened to Kokugonza, the only daughter to my drinking chum Dr Winchinslauss Rwegoshora, PhD, MA, BA, Dip. The girl has vanished to devil-knows-where, living behind a note that she is fed up with school.

She has absconded school where she had spent three years studying how to light up a Bunsen burner and reproduction. Perhaps she has decided to go and practice making babies.

Dr Winch, has sworn by all the Gods of Lake Victoria that if he lays his hands on the accursed cradle snatcher who “snatched” his only daughter, one he has spent millions trying to educate, he would strangle him dead. He has sent spies all over, hoping to swing the offender to the Pearly Gates and for God’s sake, Winch is capable of anything.

Worrisome is that they were very good buddies with my only daughter Jenny, but always fighting over some lanky guy who wears trousers that leaves half of his butts “staring” out and many other punks that I would like to have for dinner.

Uswaz grapevine has it that she has been crawling to bed with anything in trousers. I don’t know it but my one-and-only Bisho Ntongo says that my daughter might have caught the bug – God forbid for I am the type that can easily put the girl inside the meat mincer. These guys are alive just because I would hate to spend the rest of life behind bars in Segerea.

Now that the two girls were buddies, I don’t know whether to employ the services of the mean looking security guys to keep track of what she is doing at any particular time. Thoughts coursing through my mind are ominous – should I tether her with a chain like I do to my dog Scooby? The answer is no!

When kids get to their teen ages, as soon as hair starts growing in their armpits and regions unseen, as soon as they discover the use of a razor blade, they cause so much worry to drive them up the wall. We leave it to God even if we know that the good Lord upstairs has better things to do with his time.