TCU move good for quality of varsity education: views

St Joseph University College of Tanzania Communications officer Rachel Jackson (left) helps youth to fill in admission forms at the University Fair held at Mnazi Mmoja Grounds in Dar es Salaam, recently. PHOTO I FILE
What you need to know:
Just a few weeks back the Tanzania Commission for Universities stopped 19 higher learning institutions from taking in new students citing irregularities. Here is how Tanzanians took the move...
Nicolaus Francis
The government through the Tanzania Commission for Universities (TCU) has taken the right decision. It is evident that the government has made a lot efforts in eliminating hurdles facing the country’s education.
TCU board that will meet early this month to review compliance reports from various universities the country should stand firm in its decision.
The board shouldn’t hesitate taking strong measures including revoking registration of universities that will be found to have made serious irregularities even after being given time to improve learning environments in their respective institutions.
Jazadi Dilunga
There is no future to higher learning institutions that lack qualifications in this country. Lack of quality is a threat to the country’s education system. It is because of entertaining mediocrity that we now have some graduates who cannot compete in both the local and international labour markets.
These graduates have failed to help the country move forward in development. So, this is why TCU should help the government of the day to set stringent conditions that will ensure high quality in delivery of higher education in the country.
Tough decisions including revoking accreditation should be applied without fear or favour.
Thecla Kalemwa
Decisions made by the government have come at the right time when emphasis has been put at improving the country’s education in support of its industrialization strategy.
But, since Form Six leavers who are now applying for admission into various universities and higher learning institutions, shouldn’t be affected by the decision.
It is crucial that these students and those continuing with their studies should have their rights protected in this exercise. Constant communication should be made by TCU so that everyone is up todate with what is going on. Therefore, TCU decisions should ensure justice is provided for all.
Abubakar Hussein, Zanzibar
TCU board expected to review compliance reports should end this nightmare by allowing institutions with minor problems to continue giving education under certain conditions.
They could be given grace period of let’s say six or nine months to comply with conditions, during which all shortcomings should be cleared.
The emphasis should be higher learning institution that wouldn’t comply in a given period of time would be deregistered and disappear in the country’s education history.
The principle of fairness should be applied in this exercise.