President John Magufuli mourns Moro tanker fire victims

Dar es Salaam. President John Magufuli says he has received the news of the deaths of over 62 people with deep shock following an inferno that occurred after a fuel tanker overturned near Msamvu bus terminal in Morogoro Region.
The tanker burst into flames, when some people, most of them motorcyclists, were collecting spilt fuel.
The accident occurred at around 8am Saturday on August 10. Some have attributed the fire explosion to one person, who went there to scramble for fuel, while smoking a cigarette.
In a statement sent to the media by the directorate of Presidential Communication, President Magufuli sent his condolences messages to the families of those, who perished in the accident. He also wished those, who were injured in the accident a speedy recovery.
“I have been saddened to learn such a big number of Tanzanians who lost their lives due to the accident. I am extending my condolences to the families of those, who lost their beloved ones and I wish a speedy recovery for those, who were injured in the accident,” said the President in a statement.
He also directed all responsible ministries as well as Morogoro Referral Hospital and Muhimbili National Hospital (MNH) to make sure that those, who were injured in the accident received better treatment.
The president also expressed his sadness over the tendency of some people to scramble for properties, when motor accidents occurred.