I didn’t introduce Ray C to drugs, says Lord Eyes

After many years of silence, Tanzania rapper Lord Eyes has come out to clear his name over claims that he was the person who introduced his one-time high flying ex-girlfriend Ray C to hard drugs.
Over a decade ago, Ray C was among few female artistes who had taken the East African music by storm. She was the most bookable and most sought after female singer at the time.
However, Ray C’s flourishing career took a nosedive when she started abusing drugs.
All blame was put on Lord Eyes, who was already a drug addict. Ray C has also claimed in a past interview that it was Lord Eyes who led her astray.
However, the rapper, who now says he is clean, has set the records straight, stating that he found Ray C already hooked into drugs.
“Sijawahi kumfunza mtu yeyote kutumia madawa. Nimemkuta (Ray C) ameshawahi kutumia,” Lord Eyes said.
With their lives deeply immersed into drugs, their relationship also suffered. They were constantly fighting and in the end they broke up.
Lord Eyes says it wasn’t his wish to let Ray C go because he truly loved her.
However, Lord Eyes says Ray C was a very jealousy woman, something that contributed to the troubles in their relationship.
“Yule mwanadada lazima nimsifu na siwezi nikakaa sehemu nikamu-attack kwa sababu kweli nilimpenda. Ni mtu ambaye ana upendo wa kweli. Ni mzuri sana, sema wivu ndilo lilivuruga libeneke lile. Alikuwa na wivu kupitiliza kwenye kazi (music) ikawa inasumbua ilibidi tu-split,” he said.