Kalito's 20-year journey in Tanzania's business landscape

Carlos Bastos Mella

What you need to know:

  • Kalito's journey began in 2004, when he arrived in Tanzania with a dream and a determination to succeed.

Dar es Salaam. Carlos Bastos Mella, popularly known as "Kalito," has reached a significant milestone: 20 years of transforming the culinary landscape of Tanzania.

As the visionary behind the popular brands Samaki Samaki, Kuku Kuku and Wavuvi Kempu, all under the Kalito’s Way group of companies, Kalito’s influence on Tanzanian dining is profound and far-reaching.

This anniversary marks not just the passage of time but a celebration of innovation, resilience, and a deep commitment to cultural and culinary excellence.

Kalito's journey began in 2004, when he arrived in Tanzania with a dream and a determination to succeed.

His passion for the culinary arts and entrepreneurship soon led him to co-found Samaki Samaki in 2007.

This seafood restaurant quickly became a beacon of innovation, offering a unique blend of local flavors and international culinary techniques. The restaurant’s success set the stage for future ventures, earning Kalito a reputation as a trendsetter in the industry.

Building on the success of Samaki Samaki, Kalito launched Kuku Kuku in 2020 at Mlimani City. This restaurant continued his legacy of culinary excellence, delighting patrons with its distinct and flavorful offerings. In 2022, he further expanded his culinary footprint with the establishment of Wavuvi Kempu, a business that not only highlights the lives and histories of fishermen but also underscores his commitment to cultural storytelling.

Kalito's long-term vision extends beyond Tanzania’s borders. He aims to open more branches internationally, aspiring to make his restaurants the best in Africa and showcase Tanzanian cuisine to the world. “I want to bring Tanzania out of Tanzania by having a proper plan and a good team,” he says. His strategic approach involves meticulous planning and building a competent team to achieve these ambitious goals.

The journey has not been without challenges. Kalito faces intense competition and a lack of advanced hospitality training in Tanzania. To address these issues, he established an internal school to mentor and train his staff, ensuring they meet the highest standards of service and professionalism. “The biggest challenge here in Tanzania is the lack of proper schools to train people to run such establishments, so I started teaching and mentoring them myself,” he explains.

Carlos Bastos Mella

Kalito's approach to business combines traditional values with modern trends, creating a unique and authentic dining experience. He introduced the concept of having DJs in restaurants, a trend that many have since followed. His dedication to innovation keeps him a step ahead of competitors, continuously bringing new ideas and concepts to the table. “Being different means bringing new things and continuously innovating our business,” he adds.

Customer satisfaction is at the heart of Kalito’s business philosophy. He constantly seeks feedback to improve his services and ensure his customers have an unforgettable experience. “I want to satisfy Tanzanians by bringing inspirations from all over the world and incorporating them here,” he says. His commitment to making customers happy and providing them with new experiences is unwavering. “I will make my customers happy and offer them new experiences using my passion and talent,” he emphasizes.

Reflecting on his 20 years in Tanzania, Kalito highlights the importance of humility and professionalism. Despite receiving praise for his work, he remains focused and determined. “When people praise me for doing well, I don’t relax. I keep pushing because I don’t want to fail,” he states.

Kalito views his journey in Tanzania as a blend of challenges and blessings. He appreciates the hospitality and respect he has received and considers his time in Tanzania a significant personal and professional blessing. “Celebrating 20 years since I came to Tanzania, I have learned so much, including the warmth, love, and peace of the people,” he reflects. His deep connection to Tanzania, which he now considers his home, is a source of pride and joy. “I want to become a Tanzanian because my children are Tanzanian, and it’s a great blessing for me,” he adds.

As Kalito looks to the future, his commitment to innovation, cultural storytelling, and culinary excellence remains steadfast. He continues to travel and gather new trends in music, food, entertainment, and drinks to keep his business ahead of the curve. “I travel a lot and learn how others run their businesses, then I come here and do it better, focusing on what my customers want,” he explains.

Kalito’s success story is not just about his business achievements but also about his contribution to the cultural and culinary fabric of Tanzania.

As he celebrates two decades, he remains committed to bringing joy and exceptional experiences to his customers.

His journey is a testament to the power of passion, resilience, and a relentless pursuit of excellence.