Keep safe while on treadmill

What you need to know:

One needs shoes that will offer sufficient protection against problems such as shin splints, knee pain and stress of the ankle.

Unlike most workout outfits, what you wear on a treadmill can make a difference between a safe session or a trip to the emergency room.

It is easy for pieces to get trapped in the belt or to trip on account of the wrong footwear.

One needs shoes that will offer sufficient protection against problems such as shin splints, knee pain and stress of the ankle.

Never wear sandals, slippers on the treadmill.

Another important step one can take to keep safe on a treadmill is familiarising themselves with the machine. If you are installing the machine at your home, take time to read the manual and educate yourself on how it works. Before you use the one at the gym, ask your instructors how it works.

Treadmills come with features that are meant to keep you safe. The stop or pause buttons are meant to halt the machine so you can get off safely instead of trying to jump off a moving belt.