Why self-identity is very healthy

What you need to know:

  • I am addressing secondary school level students, although this could also somehow apply in tertiary education.

Students, just like any other human beings, have the intellect that helps each one, individually to define and understand oneself as complete person. This is how to stay healthy mentally.

I am addressing secondary school level students, although this could also somehow apply in tertiary education.

Psychologists will tell you that those who have failed in life are only those who define and understand themselves negatively.

Negative attitudes to any individual largely create failures to an individual psychologically and are unhealthy.

And, today, I want to pose a challenge: What do teachers in schools do in order create an enabling environment for students to be aware of their identity and shape their attitudes for the sake of their academic progress?

A school is a place where students need to get the backup for happiness and get all that can enrich their livelihood through teachers and other educational experts.

In a real sense, there is a need for the students to get better self definition of their positive attitudes in the grounds of building their psychology.

Things to tackle

Untreated psychological problems that students face in schools can damage their attitudes in undertaking their studies.

How would the educational specialists determine whether students are already affected psychologically?

“What if I fail to answer the question asked by the teacher?”, “What if they laugh at me?” and many questions of this form, are signs of inferiority complex, that must be addressed immediately.

Most students affected psychologically, would possibly create growing habit of interfering with other students’ courage’s to keep moving on.

In helping students affected negatively by the attitude perceptions, let’s chip in with some kind of a disciplinary approach and help in vocational educational guidance towards giving better psychological affection.

Empowering the student with self-discipline would mean the kind of training expected to produce a specific character or pattern of behavior, especially training in producing moral and functioning results.

A better student should be self-disciplined in terms of action, reaction and in decision making. This largely facilitates their understanding of things, the world in school and elsewhere.

It is very important for students to know that discipline is the mother of all disciplines and thus for them to reach their potential, they need self-discipline in shaping the educational progress.

But also, in most cases, students who achieve vocational guidance, in a large extent won’t be found in many disciplinary cases. Such students ought to be obedient, listeners and responsible for their school’s daily routine.

What both students and educational specialists need to do cooperatively?

In this matter, every student and educational specialist has great personal responsibilities towards making positive changes. The journey of learning to students possibly involves both obstacles and challenges.

The role of the teacher here is to find out the suitable psychological approaches and solutions while the students must also help speak out on the challenges encountered. Yet, students need to build up and strengthens good relationship with their teachers. Guidance strengthens students in their educational system by providing motivation.

in education. It is the same reason that helps students to act in their human nature, self awareness, freedom and responsibilities accordingly.

This helps the educational specialists to know how well students have understood the lesson in the bounds of performance in comparison with others or in comparison with the domain of performance task given to students in school’s environment

Since educational vocational guidance is a long life process to students, teachers need to be aware of, and alerted on how to bring students together in recognizing themselves and re-diagnose their capabilities in matching with what the school’s environments offers.

Thus, in a great manner, educational vocational guidance is meant to help students determine themselves in building the kind of psychological attitudes that fosters the academic progress in school.

The author is an expert in Education.