Watch your sleep in this smartphone era

The era of smartphones has come with a price to pay. People’s fingers are on the key pad almost everywhere they go.
 Even at bed time, people use smartphones, they delay sleep for many hours as they scroll, browse, text and so on.  
 Because of this, people sleep less and less and this has a huge impact on their health.

Why is sleep important?
 For a healthy lifestyle, adequate sleep is part and parcel and doing this can avert many health challenges arising from the lack of it.
 Modern-day health challenges such as diabetes have been associated with lack of enough sleep.
 When you have enough sleep, it means that your brain can process and consolidate memories. People who tend not to sleep well also have difficulty learning and focusing during their day time activities.
 Some studies have shown that a 30-minute nap can boost brain power and reduce fatigue at the work places
 People with insomnia--difficulty falling asleep have resorted to seeking medication. Unfortunately, many drugs that are prescribed for insomnia can impair memory.
 Doctors usually advise people to work the sleep challenges before turning to medication. They can prepare well for a sleep. This is something people tend to ignore.
 Our bodies, in order to function well, require a consistent time to sleep, that also includes an uninterrupted one.

Tips to get a good night’s sleep
• Switch off smartphones as when going to bed. The light from the phone screen and colourful LED lights keep the brain active when it shouldn’t be.
 • As we enter our rooms to sleep, it also advisable to switch off all the lights. The darkness in the room can be conducive enough for one to sleep. A bright lit room has never been a perfect place to have deep night sleep.
 • Caffeine and similar drinks that increase heart rate are not the best of beverages at bed time. Such drinks are good for noon; evening outings.
 • Keeping away from arguments in the evening times can be a good trick in achieving a good night sleep.The aim of this is to  reduce the adrenaline that comes with it.
 • But more important is the stress associated. Actually stress of any kind should be mitigated to ensure a good night sleep.
 • One needs to switch to a relax mode a few minutes before bed so as to achieve the best results of sleep.
 As usual, always read this platform to stay safe and make informed health choices.