DEAR DIARY: Easter is time for forgiveness

What you need to know:

  • Take this holiday as a chance to make peace with everyone who hurt you

People celebrate various holidays based on their religious beliefs. And now that Easter is here, let’s talk about it.

To some people, it is a pagan belief as both Christian and pagan elements blend together during the celebrations, which involve heavy drinking and merrymaking at the same time.

They argue that Easter originated outside Christianity as it borrowed ancient pagan practices but this is a story for another day. We have all kind of traditions on how we celebrate Easter.

And interestingly, Easter is a movable feast without a fixed date to mark the day. This is because it follows the lunar calendar not the normal Julian calendar.

Dates keep changing; for some, it is time to go to church and pour out your heart to the lord, for others it is time to celebrate by eating lots of chocolates, mountain oval-sweets, cakes and good food plus some drinks to wash it down.

 For many Christians, it is time to remember the death of Jesus on the cross amidst persecution and torture. He then resurrected thus giving us joy and hope.

It also reminds us about forgiveness.  Many of us are struggling with our journey to the Cross, as there are some things, which could have hurt us along the way.

Some could be finding difficulty to forgive and see God’s mercy.

Let me tell you for free that there is relief when you let go some of those grudges and see the world in a bigger picture. There is no better feeling than extending a hug and a brilliant smile to those who wronged us.

For those who will gather in churches across the world, the Cross is a sign of forgiveness of our sins so just practice the virtue of forgiveness.

It is time to tell that story of hope and liberation for all those who are weary so that through our lives we illuminate his light to the rest.

What story would Jesus tell this Easter? Let’s reach out to all those who need our love and words of encouragement.

As we go out to celebrate, let’s remember the magnificent resurrection story and conquer the world by doing good things. At the Woman Desk, we wish you a Happy Easter.