How do I handle my new school environment?

What you need to know:

  • Before even my family moved here, I had on many occasions read this column where I found very wonderful ideas. The issue at hand is that my new school hardly offers a conducive study environment. How do I cope?

Warm greetings to you, Dear editor. It is with great pleasure that I write to you. I am a secondary school student in a new town to where my family moved at the beginning of the year.

Before even my family moved here, I had on many occasions read this column where I found very wonderful ideas. The issue at hand is that my new school hardly offers a conducive study environment. How do I cope?

Moving to a new set up can sometimes disrupt an individual’s progress as far as education is concerned and it is something that parents have to take seriously before making that call.

With that kind of shift, you usually have to suit to the new environment, make new friends and sometimes even new enemies as well!

However, this should not lead to complete failure, the first step towards effective studying is to create a study environment that fosters productivity.

An ideal study environment varies from person to person, but considering these five factors will help you to create your perfect study environment.

Choose your location

Choosing your location and paying attention to some of the details is a vital step in creating your desirable study environment.

To create your ideal study environment, start by choosing an appropriate location to work from. Some locations that you might find beneficial include your dormitory room, the school library, private studies or even an empty classroom.

Once you’ve decided on a location, pick a spot that seems comfortable to you. Do you work best at a desk, table, bed, or couch?

Keep in mind that comfy places like beds and sofas might be more conducive to sleeping than studying, so don’t get too comfortable!


Some students prefer complete quiet, while others like soft background music or ambient noise. If you prefer quiet, noise-reducing headphones might be helpful, but you may have to change your location if other students’ noise preferences are disruptive to you.


Harsh bright light is often unpleasant, while soft, ambient light can put you to sleep. Try to find a happy medium between the two to create the atmosphere that seems comfortable to you.

Temperature - While you cannot often control the temperature of the room that you are in, try to find a place with a fairly consistent temperature.

You can also adjust your personal temperature by carrying a light jacket with you or by moving closer to a window or vent.

Another aspect of your study environment involves whether you work best alone or in a group.

If you prefer to study with a group of people, some factors you will need to consider are location, planning, time of day, and the assignment you are working on. Just make sure you are not distracting others and that you are effectively working together to complete the assignment with minimal distractions.

According to Carmen Ramsey, it is vital to consider the resources you will need when you sit down to study.

If you study in your room, make sure all of your materials are easily accessible, and if you study outside of your room, remember to carry your textbooks, notes, paper, pens, high-lighters.