Mixed reactions greet Makonda's removal as CCM's propaganda chief

Paul Makonda

What you need to know:

  • Some view Makonda's shift as a strategic move, while others see it as a demotion for a political figure who was once again rising within the nation.

Dar es Salaam. Mixed reactions have greeted Paul Makonda's removal as CCM's propaganda chief and his subsequent appointment as Arusha Regional Commissioner.

Makonda's reputation as a vocal critic of ministers and government officials has stirred debates online, with various opinions emerging regarding his new role.

Some view Makonda's shift as a strategic move, while others see it as a demotion for a political figure who was once again rising within the nation.

Independent lawyer Peter Madeleka took to X (formerly Twitter) to express his responsibility to educate Makonda on constitutional and legal matters, particularly regarding human rights, expressing optimism about Makonda's potential success in understanding the legal frameworks.

"I have the responsibility to teach Paul Makonda the lessons of constitution and law, especially regarding human rights. I believe he will succeed," Madeleka wrote.

He said that Makonda did not have any authority to give orders to ministers, as he did during his brief tenure as CCM's secretary of ideology.

Another X user who has been on top of political trends, Tobadi Kayusi, questioned the focus on political appointments over substantive issues, urging discussions on matters of substance rather than mere analysis of appointments. "Why don't we dedicate our time to discussing issues of substance instead of analysing political appointments?" he questioned.

Meanwhile, Mdude Nyagali, a Chadema ally, raised suspicions about the timing of Makonda's previous appointment as CCM's propaganda chief, suggesting it was a diversionary tactic during the Dar es Salaam port case ruling. "Unfortunately for them, the agenda did not shift. Today, they have appointed him RC as we are discussing the CAG report," he shared.

On March 30, 2024, President Samia Suluhu Hassan made several appointments of various leaders, one of them being Makonda, who was the Secretary for Ideology, Propaganda, and Training of the CCM and only served in that role for five months before being moved. In the changes, Makonda replaced John Mongella as Arusha's RC, with the former awaiting to be reassigned to another position.

Makonda was appointed as CCM's Secretary for Ideology, Propaganda, and Training on October 22, 2023, after being out of the political scene for about three years.