Morogoro becoming spice giant with Sh36 billion output

Cloves tree

What you need to know:

  • With 2000 metric tonnes of cloves produced, the Morogoro Region made a significant contribution to the country’s clove production, according to Regional Administrative Secretary Musa Ally Musa.

Morogoro. Morogoro Region demonstrated impressive development in clove production, with a record output valued at Sh36 billion in 2023, greatly bolstering Tanzania’s spice industry.

With 2000 metric tonnes of cloves produced, the Morogoro Region made a significant contribution to the country’s clove production, according to Regional Administrative Secretary Musa Ally Musa.

This accomplishment highlights the region’s growing significance in Tanzania’s spice industry, competing with even Zanzibar’s well-known clove farmers.

Morogoro District Council has become a major hub for cloves cultivation, responsible for half of the total production.

However, the region’s potential goes beyond Morogoro District Council, with increasing interest observed in Morogoro Rural, Kilombero, Mvomero districts, and Mlimba District Council.

Geographically blessed with optimal climatic conditions and fertile soil, Morogoro Region provides an ideal environment for spice cultivation.

Stakeholders in the spice industry have come together to discuss how to leverage these natural advantages to maintain world-class production standards while diversifying spice cultivation.

Government-led initiatives, such as the Southern Agricultural Growth Corridor of Tanzania (Sagcot), have played a crucial role in promoting spice production across mainland Tanzania.

 Sagcot facilitates coordination and mobilisation of agri-finance from private sector partners interested in investing in the spice industry and horticultural crops.

 In an effort to further strengthen Tanzania’s position as a global spice powerhouse, Tanga Region has been identified as a potential cloves producer. Its similar climatic conditions to Zanzibar make it a promising candidate for expanding cloves cultivation beyond Morogoro.

As cloves thrive in hilly terrains, regions like Morogoro and Tanga, with their undulating landscapes, hold immense potential for scaling up spice production.

 These developments mark significant strides towards Tanzania’s ambition of becoming a leading producer of cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, lemon grass, and pepper on the international stage.

The success story of Morogoro Region underscores Tanzania’s commitment to harnessing its agricultural potential and diversifying its economy through the flourishing spice industry.