Pomp and colour as 630 military officers graduate at Monduli

President and Commander-in-Chief Samia Suluhu Hassan inspects the Parade of Honour during the awarding of Commissions to Officers who are students of Group 04/20-Bachelor of Military Science at the Monduli Military Academy (Tanzania Military Academy - TMA) in Arusha Region yesterday. PHOTO | STATE HOUSE

What you need to know:

  • While 575 were commissioned as second lieutenants, 62 were conferred degrees in military science and included those from outside the country.

Arusha. It was yet another colourful ceremony at Monduli yesterday when President Samia Suluhu Hassan commissioned the military officers.

The Head of State later conferred degrees in military science to others in a twin ceremony held at the Tanzania Military Academy (TMA) campus.

While 575 were commissioned as second lieutenants, 62 were conferred degrees in military science and included those from outside the country.

President Hassan commissioned the military officers in her capacity as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces.

The elaborate ceremony, broadcast live by TBC 1, the national broadcaster, was graced by March past by officers in their red tunics.

Several cabinet ministers, retired army generals and high ranking military and government officials were in attendance.

Initially, President Hassan commissioned the 575 officers - 482 men and 93 women - as second lieutenants and later conferred degrees to 62 others; 21 females and 41 males.

Those commissioned after the military drills at the Monduli-based academy included officers from other countries; near and far.

They include China, Bangladesh, India, Kenya, Malawi, Egypt, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Russia and host Tanzania which had the majority.

President Hassan spoke very briefly after the twin ceremony which ended shortly after 1 pm and attended by hundreds of people.

She lauded commandants of the academy for its elaborate training modules which has enabled TMA to produce highly disciplined officers.

TMA Commandant Brigadier General Jackson Jairo Mwasemba apparently ran the show; giving minute details of the courses and those eligible to attend.

He said this was the first time for the military science programme to be organized solely by TMA. Yesterday was the fourth graduation.

Until last year, the three year course was managed by the academy in partnership with the Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA).

The military science course was introduced in order to prepare the military officers in leadership on matters pertaining to peace and security.

During last year's graduation at the TMA, 89 female officers out of 740 who were commissioned as second lieutenants, some from the neighbouring countries.