Tanzania, Poland highlight collaborative efforts in emergency health care

President Andrzej Duda of Poland speaks during his visit at the Aga Khan Health Service Tanzania (AKHST) in Dar es Salaam. PHOTO | COURTESY

What you need to know:

  • The Polish Centre for International Aid (PCPM), in partnership with the AKHST, is executing a project called ‘Improving Emergency Care in Tanzania’ (IMECT), which is supported by the Polish government through Polish Aid

Dar es Salaam. The visit of the Polish President to the Aga Khan Health Service Tanzania (AKHST) has highlighted the collaboration of the two countries in advancing healthcare, the hospital said.

President Andrzej Duda of Poland visited the health facility on Friday as part of his two-day visit to Tanzania.

The Polish Centre for International Aid (PCPM), in partnership with the AKHST, is executing a project called ‘Improving Emergency Care in Tanzania’ (IMECT), which is supported by the Polish government through Polish Aid.

During his visit, President Duda focused on the critical aspects of the IMECT project.

He was given a detailed presentation on the state-of-the-art equipment supplied by the Polish government as part of this initiative.

Furthermore, he witnessed live demonstrations highlighting the advanced training received by healthcare professionals.

The demonstrations provided proof of the project's positive impact on improving emergency medical services in Tanzania, AKHST said in a statement.

“Furthermore, President Duda received insights into the completion of the construction and renovation of a modern training centre from AKHST. The centre is equipped with all necessary amenities to facilitate training and is accessible to both the public and private sectors,” it added.

President Duda provided positive remarks, saying; “Since commencing the project in 2022, deaths in emergency services have decreased. This is the result of investments made in equipment, training and laboratories.”

Given the noteworthy impact, he promised to continue cooperation through the IMECT project.

The permanent secretary for the ministry of Health, Dr John Jingu, said strengthening emergency services is a priority for President Samia Suluhu Hassan.

“The government continues to receive support from stakeholders, such as Poland, to strengthen emergency care capacity in Tanzania,” he said.

Regional chief executive officer, Aga Khan Health Services, East Africa, Dr Zeenat Sulaiman, said; "We were privileged to host President Andrzej Duda and showcase the fruits of this vital project. This collaboration not only strengthens our emergency care capabilities but also sets a benchmark for international partnerships in healthcare."

The IMECT project signifies mutual cooperation between the Polish and Tanzanian governments to improve healthcare services and training across the nation.

With endeavours like this, AKH Dar es Salaam remains at the forefront, offering outstanding medical care and training in various regions and closely collaborating with the government of Tanzania to develop both the public and private sectors.

During the visit, President Duda was also accompanied by the Ilala District Commissioner, Mr Edward Mpogolo, and the Dar es Salaam regional medical officer, Dr Mohamed Mang’una, along with senior representatives from all stakeholders.