How ‘Ndoto ya Samira’ inspires girls to break barriers

What you need to know:

  • Basically, the Ndoto ya Samira film describes the real life of Samira, born in Nungwi, Zanzibar. The film explains how she struggled to achieve her dream of becoming a teacher. She failed several times in her attempts to achieve that dream due to the environment in which she lived in Zanzibar.

For a long time, the film industry has been unable to bring about the things that society is going through.

Let's just forget about ‘Love Story Movies’, the stepmother’s nuisances to her stepson. Rather, let's think about issues like gender-based violence and gender inequality and how we can transform our society in a better way.

All of this came to mind when watching “Ndoto ya Samira’ (Samira’s Dream), a movie that was screening during the kick-off of the Wezesha Binti programme (empower the girl) organised by Enabel, the Belgian Development Agency, and the Kingdom of Belgium in Dar es Salaam.

Basically, the Ndoto ya Samira film describes the real life of Samira, born in Nungwi, Zanzibar. The film explains how she struggled to achieve her dream of becoming a teacher. She failed several times in her attempts to achieve that dream due to the environment in which she lived in Zanzibar.

One hour and a half in the film are enough to teach us how parents and society as a whole contribute to solving these challenges faced by schoolgirls.

However, after the screening of the film on the kick-off of the Wezesha Binti programme this Tuesday, a film protagonist, Samira Masoud Ameir, shared words of encouragement with all of you who may feel discouraged by the obstacles they face in patriarchal communities.

“I know it can feel like the odds are stacked against us, and it's easy to feel like giving up. But I want to remind you that you are strong, capable, and deserving of pursuing your dreams,” she notes.

She went on to say that girls in the country need to focus on their dreams and believe in their abilities.

“We have the potential to achieve great things, and we shouldn't let anyone tell us otherwise. It's not easy, and it may take time, but with determination and perseverance, we can make it” she says

Further adds, “I know it's not easy, but trust me, it's possible. We can defy the expectations placed on us and become the women we want to be. So, my fellow girls and women, don't give up. Keep pushing forward, keep working hard, and remember that your dreams are worth fighting for. We can do this, and we will do this. Let's show the world what we're made of,”

For his part, the director of the film, an Italian native, Nino Tropiano, says directing a film about Samira’s incredible journey to overcome obstacles and achieve her dream of becoming a teacher has been a truly rewarding experience.

"Samira's calmness and understanding made this film complete on time and showed in a wide way how girls are challenged in fighting for their dreams," he says.

He shares, however, that it has also come with its fair share of challenges. One of the prime challenges they faced was capturing the different moments in the more than seven years that it took for our protagonist to achieve her goal.

“The sheer length of the project meant that we had to be meticulous in documenting the passage of time and accurately portraying the girl's growth and development,” he adds.

He went on to reveal that one of the prime challenges during the making of that film was that there were instances where other people did not respond well to seeing our cameramen walking along with the girl to capture all the important moments.

“This was especially difficult during more intimate and emotional scenes, as it required a delicate balance between respecting the girl's privacy and capturing the authenticity of her journey. It took a lot of patience and understanding to navigate these situations, but ultimately, we needed to ensure that the film portrayed the true essence of her journey,” he explains.

He adds, “Despite these challenges, I am incredibly proud of the final product and believe that it accurately captures the resilience and determination of our protagonist. It is a testament to the power of education and the human spirit, and I hope that it will inspire others to never give up on their dreams, no matter the obstacles they may face.”

On the other hand, Mohammed Sheha Mohammed, Samira’s husband, shares that he never thought I would marry a woman who wanted to pursue a career outside of the traditional roles defined by our patriarchal society.

“When my wife told me about her dream to become a teacher, I was initially taken aback. But as her husband, I knew that I had to support her in any way I could. I saw the passion and determination in her eyes, and I knew that she deserved to live her dreams,” he notes.

He continues that he stood by her, encouraged her, and helped her achieve her goals.

“It wasn't easy, especially with disapproving looks from our families and friends, but I knew that she deserved to pursue her happiness and fulfil her ambitions.” says Mohammed

He further explained that now, seeing her as a successful and passionate teacher, he couldn't be prouder.

“I have seen her dedication and hard work pay off, and I am happy to have been a part of her journey to success. Marrying a woman with such determination and drive was the best decision of my life, and I am proud to see her living her dreams and making a difference in the lives of her students,” he says.