Automated learning in African SMEs context

Ours is a displacement proposition. Most African households spend a lot of money on crappy energy sources like kerosene, diesel, petrol and batteries.

Have you ever seen how the process of turning such data from our roads infrastructure is becoming dangerous? Ever seen how the challenge of turning such data into tangible value? Call it a negative automated learning as it keeps repeating itself especially when heavy energy tankers are self-driven into accidents; and people end up experimenting deadly fire drills.

More on negative automated learning from a different context shortly.

Is it possible to enable our SMEs to design ways to stop wasteful expenditure in our society hence serving humanity from destroying itself when trying to serve itself on ‘free energy’ whenever, a tanker gets an accident? The fuel: whether it’s diesel, petrol or kerosene with the help of battery sparks has become another deadly love affair.

How can our people switch to cheaper and better options? How can positive automated learning be useful in converting solar energy into electrical power? It’s time to turn solar energy which is sustainable into self-serving, self-new energy to be found on roof-tops with solar panels.

Anyway, it turns out that solar energy is a secret freer of cash, which people can re-apply to buy fridges or pay school fees. The latter invention narrative is better than waiting for self-distraction oil tanker accidents in our roads infrastructure.

On the other end, automated learning, or machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that allows machines to learn by self-teach without any programming for specific purpose.

It’s an essential skill to make systems that are not only smart, but autonomous, and capable of identifying patterns in the data to convert them into predictions.

Imagine, what could happen if machine learning is fed wrong data? Say, it captures what is happening when others are busy stealing fuel and batteries endangering themselves into death? Can’t we provide better opportunities to youngsters? Great leaders provide opportunities to young people so that they can use their energies productively.

Today, emerging technologies like machine learning are providing endless opportunities. We have different applications, such as the Netflix and Spotify which are recommending what to do in your free time. Also, Gmail’s smart responses in our inboxes and the like.

Ultimately, automated learning is not just becoming a master at pattern recognition, but also is able to convert data samples into a computer programme that extracts interferences from new data sets it has not been previously trained for, provided everything is secure in our environment.

Africa will only leapfrog the rest of the world by using its own home-grown appropriate technologies.

Most Africans like their digital gadgets. Long time ago, they used to spend a portion of their earnings on (non) essentials.

One of such first luxuries they liked most was home brew. Unfortunately, almost everything has changed to commercial foreign alcohol brands. Why is Uganda Waragi, a local gin made in a landlocked nation still thriving? May be technology adoption is key. Why not?

The primary movement of the industrial revolution was facilitated by manual labour. Slaves were made redundant by automation; thereafter humanity managed to achieve greater productivity, quality of life, and the society was transformed as a result.