Police launch manhunt for father who impregnated daughter

Morogoro Regional Police Commander Alex Mkama. PHOTO | FILE
What you need to know:
- RPC Mkama said the suspect, who was kept in the office of Tomondo Ward, had managed to escape, but added that the police were searching for him before being brought to court.
Morogoro. The police have launched a manhunt for a resident of Mwidu hamlet in Tomondo Ward’s Vuleni Village in Morogoro Region.
Azizi Hussein is accused of having sex with his own daughter (14) (name withheld) and making her pregnant.
The incident occurred in early January, this year, in Vuleni Village, Morogoro District Council.
Speaking to The Citizen on Thursday July 4, 2024, Morogoro Regional Police Commander Alex Mkama said the police have launched investigations into the incident, which is contrary to Tanzanian traditions.
However, RPC Mkama said the suspect, who was kept in the office of Tomondo Ward, had managed to escape, but added that the police were searching for him before being brought to court.
“The police force is investigating the incident involving a resident of Vuleni Village in Tomondo Ward, Azizi Hussein, who is alleged to have sex with his blood daughter aged 14.
“However, the suspect managed to escape from the office of Tomondo Ward to the unknown destination and already the case no. 229/2024 facing him has been opened at Mikese Police Station,” RPC Mkama.
Narrating the incident, the victim said that on January 1, this year, at 9pm, her father entered the children's room in which she was asleep and woke her up.
"I made some food on the day of the incident and later went to sleep. At 9pm, my father came straight into our children's room and woke me up while my siblings were still asleep. Then, my father told me to stay with him and that if I didn't, my mother and I would die," said the girl.
“My father raped and told me not to tell my mom about what he had done to me, I got severe pain and made pregnant, However, I got miscarriage when my pregnancy was three-month old,” said the victim.
The girl's aunt, Ms Aziza Ramadhamani, said the girl was sexually abused while her biological mother was away on a trip for several days.
"It is a shame for our family, clan, and community, considering how they look at us due to the cruelty committed by my brother-in-law, Azizi," said Ms Ramadhamani.
Ms Doris Richard, the secretary of the Information and Knowledge Centre under the Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP) in Tomondo Ward, said after receiving information about the incident, the centre made a follow-up on the girl and proved it was true.
"As TGNP, we have been providing education to tackle gender-based violence and exposing incidents that are overlooked, which go against the laws of the country, including the abuse of children, women, and the elderly, such as rape and sodomy. We then forward these cases to law enforcement for further action," said Ms Richard.