Assorted stories of London’s working folk – 2

We were at this restaurant having some food. Everyone was talking about their jobs. A lady with a very high-pitched voice had a lot on her chest.

“My life at work is so intense. I wake up at 5am. Do my Yoga. Do you do Yoga, people? If you don’t, PLEASE start. I have done it for 15 years now. It helps me cope with stress and daily devils. I began Yoga during my second pregnancy. I had suffered so much during my first one.

A nurse advised me to try Yoga. Back then I was not sure about Yoga. I’m Christian. And I used to think – and lots of my friends say the same thing – Yoga is against religion. When these Yogis sit with their eyes looks like some kind of Asian religion. But I was ignorant.

Also I thought, I was not flexible enough. I have never done any exercise in my life. Even as a young child, I hated sports. I got a recommendation from a friend of a friend.

“My first class was frustrating as I could not keep up, but the instructor was very supportive. I have never looked back ever since. In the morning Yoga helps me kick off. Then I take the dog for a walk.

Half an hour later, prepare breakfast for the kids. And hubby. By 7am we are all seated at the table eating. Come 8am, it’s the school run. I am at work by 9am. What excites is the eternal gossip. Everyone talks about everyone else. It does not matter who you are, someone is going to talk about you.

"So and so nicks other people’s cheese in the fridge. So and so’s husband always calls. The other day I heard my name being mentioned while walking down the building corridor. I was goin to keep on walking when I heard, loud, loud laughter. I thought hold on. I know these voices. I turned back quickly and stormed into the room. You should have seen their faces. I said. OK. Spill the beans. They were like rabbits caught in the light at night. Oh really sorry Mel. Mel please we didn’t mean to. I was furious. OK tell me what is so funny about me? Long story short. It ended up with a general staff meeting. Some apologies etc. Its funny we all backbite each other at workplaces but there you go!”

And what about Tanzanians overseas?

There are million stories, but let us wind up with this one. Many years ago I wrote a column piece about how Tanzania is underrated and unknown overseas. These days the perception of Tanzania has changed, partly because of the late President John Magufuli’s work.

His hard work is intensely appreciated across the continent. I met a Sierra Leone guy who could not even pronounce his name properly, but asked me to get him a Magufuli T-shirt when I come home for holidays. But despite that Tanzanians were regarded as just soft nice people. And no one explained it better than this lady.

She said in Swahili, “You know if you go somewhere and meet other nationalities here in London, they expect you to be Jamaican or Nigerian, not Tanzanian. I used to work as a cleaner in this big establishment. During tea or lunch breaks we would cram ourselves in a rest room.

There was a small heater there, as it was in winter. Three ladies I worked with had heard that I was Tanzanian. They saw me as a soft touch. They would bully and tease me. I used not to retaliate or say anything.

It took about three months. I would just keep quiet. They would talk bad about my work. That I was showing off by working better. They would try to intimidate me as they knew our line manager had hinted promoting me and that means more money.

One day one of them started spreading rumours that I was sleeping around, a prostitute. Another said I was crazy. That even the police knew I was mentally ill. I called them up one day and shut the door.

Usually I used to talk to them staring at the floor. I used to smile all the time. That day I stared at their faces. Told them to stop smiling. I told them they were stupid. I told them if they carried on with their nonsense, I’ll not only report them, but I’ll also take care of them. I was talking firmly. They were shocked. I took their teas and held one and poured it on the floor.

“I took the other one and hurled the cup and smashed it. They were shaking. They thought I was mad for real. That was the end of their rubbish. At the end of the month they left. I don’t think they will ever terrorise someone psychologically, Tanzanian or not.”