Wedded couples wooed and wasted by world's siren songs

What you need to know:
- How much money is my marriage relationship worth?
- How much in those pockets can break my marriage relationship?
- Don't hurt your spouse for a short-term gratification.
Today, there are a lot more marital casualties more than ever. This week I will talk about the power of a bait. When I was a young boy, we used to hunt birds. We were trying to catch creatures that could fly to anywhere in this world so we got clever. We used two effective tools - the bait and the sticky sap or birdlime from various plants. They always worked.
Catching birds taught me a lifetime lesson - animals and human-beings always get caught when they are going for something they think is greater. The birds had no idea that the sticky sap would end their lives. They were focused on the millet particles, just to find they were glued. This is the power of the bait and glue.
The lure of wealthy individuals: We all know that our spouses aren't the richest in the land. My question is, how are we prepared to live with this reality? Recently we were saddened because a friend stole another’s wife and is now living with her. One of the many ethical considerations that decent and civilised people should adhere to is an oath that we will not beat others out with our money.
More than a dozen times, I've met women who thought they could take me away from Esther because they were prettier and wealthier. Whoever told them this is possible lied to them. How much money is my marriage relationship worth? How much in those pockets can break my marriage relationship? For me, marriage is priceless. When I vowed, "For richer, for poorer; for better for worse," I was not kidding.
The lure of pretty girls and handsome men: King Solomon, the ancient ruler of Israel once said, "Love is stronger than death..." The skilled lover was right. We call this the Samson syndrome. Samson, in the Bible was Israel’s ruler with extraordinary strength.
There was a time he killed one thousand philistines using a horse jaw. But despite all his strength, Samson was helpless when he saw a philistine girl known as Delilah. His heart was vexed to death. Delilah was not a prostitute but a woman on a mission. The philistines caught Samson using her.
Look at men! Like the birds, they think it's possible to land on sticky sap and still get away. Whoever told you that you could cheat with pretty girls and yet maintain a healthy marriage, lied.
There is another bitter truth. There are hundreds of men and women who are better in bed than our spouses. If you land there, it's over! True godly human values and dignity prevents us from these cheap behaviours. True love must be other-centered. Don't hurt your spouse for a short-term gratification. Children have suffered lifetime agony because a parent landed on the sticky sap of an attractive individual.
In concluding, be aware of siren songs from wealth and beauty. Create your own wealth and beauty.
Amani Kyala is a Counselor, Teacher and Writer, [email protected], 0626 512 144